Wednesday, September 23, 2020

#kufiyaspotting -- Palestinian Communists in Israel

 This is from the anthropologist Sharif Kanaana's article, "Survival Strategies of Arabs in Israel," published in Merip Reports #41 (October 1975). It is based on research he conducted in Israel in 1969-70 for his dissertation. Kanaana received his PhD in Anthropology from the University of Hawaii. Kanaana began his teaching career at Birzeit University in 1975; he has since retired, I'm not sure what year.

The quote is from his discussion of what he calls the "middle peasant" survival strategy of the Arabs in Israel. (Interestingly, he does not use the term, "Palestinian," which has more recently become the preferred nomenclature: rather than "Arabs in Israel" (state language), "Palestinian-Israelis" or, "Palestinian citizens of Israel."

I'd love to find some photographs of Israel's Palestinian Communists garbed in kufiyas, from the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. If you've got a clue as to where I might find some, please let me know.

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