Sunday, September 29, 2013

drone life 5: Chicago alderman proposes using drones for students' safe passage to school

Yes, seriously, Chicago Alderman George Cardenas proposed this.

And the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International chimed in, saying that 'drones can be a boon to law enforcement agencies by keeping officers out of dangerous situations, helping with search and rescue missions, responding to natural disasters and saving on the bottom line. The group claims drones can operate for as little as $25 to $75 per hour, which is far less than the $400-per-hour cost of using a manned helicopter.' And -- “The technology could certainly be used to help keep children safe. Importantly, however, it is up to local leaders to determine whether this is an appropriate use in their community," according to AUVSI spokeswoman Melanie Hinton.

One wonders whether Mayor Rahm Emmanuel might not be in favor, since all the school closings that his administration mean that many school children who going to new schools will have to cross gang boundaries and to be "in the line of fire."

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