review of the first annual Egyptian Independent Artist Music and Film Festival from
Al-Masry al-Youm. The festival was a tribute to the martyr Ahmed Bassiouny (who I've posted about several times). The reviewer, Mia Jankowicz, liked the performance of the band, Machine Eat Man, but: '
Assured as it was, it was hard to discern anything specifically “Egyptian” from Machine Eat Man's sound. It was tronica for sure, but not yet “Egypt," particularly when electronic strains of sha'abi music might make a decidedly more authentic claim on Egyptian electro.' Jankowicz concludes: '
A more fitting tribute to Ahmed Bassiouny might start with supporting experimentalism -- his chosen style -- and afflicting the comfortable with humor and a critical eye...In coming years, to see this become a focused platform for the same emerging experimental media artists that Bassiouny worked so hard to support, would be extremely exciting.'
For an example of what Bassiouny was about, check out this riveting performance. It will make you regret his passing. This is what Jankowicz means by 'Egyptronica,' I believe.
The photo above was taken by me, in late March, in Zamalek. Bassiouny is on the right, Mustapha al-Sawy on the left.
Thanks for the nice comment on the review!