Friday, February 04, 2011

More kufiyas from the Tahrir Commune

The first two photos are from a wonderful photo gallery, courtesy Time Magazine, "A Night at Tahrir Square," photos by Jacopo Quaranta.

The caption reads: "Tahrir Square, February 3. After two days of clashes with pro-Mubarak groups, demonstrators calling for the end of the regime of Hosni Mubarak remained on Tahrir Square. This woman, a former television journalist, occupied a checkpoint on the square, where she checked women who wished to enter."

I love how stylish her kufiya is, and I want to know where to get one like this!

This photo, from the same photogallery, reads: "Headrest. A demonstrator sleeps on the truck [a burned-out police truck]."

This is a screensave from tonight's Parker Spitzer show on CNN, during the segment where they interviewed the well-known Egyptian blogger and tweeter Sandmonkey. It was a phone interview, so CNN rolled some images, and they showed some good ones. This shot is of two demonstrators on Tahrir Square, bandaged up from wounds incurred from the attacks of thugs sent after the democracy forces by the Egyptian government. Upwards of 500 were wounded in the attacks of the night of February 1-2, which the democracy forces successfully repelled. You can read a good account of it here, by Hani Shukrallah.

The comparison of the democracy forces on Tahrir Square to the Paris Commune of 1871 comes from an essay posted today on Jadaliyya by Sinan Antoon.

1 comment:

  1. I figured the jig was up on Wednesday night (our time) when it became clear the army would not move against the regime. Mubarak will go – and maybe pretty soon (he may cling on until the end of his term, but we’ll see) – but the regime is maintaining itself…though we can expect some of the new forces to be co-opted by the regime, and there’s my biggest worry…cutting a deal with the MB.

    This is, long-range, suicidal for any non-Islamist Egyptian government…trouble is, corrupt Ruling Classes never see beyond the nose on their face. They’ll only want to keep their place at the trough and won’t even consider what might happen in 10 years if the MB is unleashed while at the same time no one builds non-MB political organization which can gain the allegiance of the Egyptian people.
