Sunday, July 05, 2009

Elia Suleiman's movie, "The Time That Remains": released in August

Here's a trailer for The Time That Remains, the latest film from highly-regarded Palestinian filmmaker Elia Suleiman. It opens in France on August 12, after screening as an Official Selection at the Cannes Film Festival in May. God knows if and when it will open in the US.

Here is a catalog of some reviews from US sources, the majority very favorable. David Hudson calls it a "deadpan Palestinian comedy," which sounds about right, based on my familiarity with Suleiman's previous work. (Thanks to Kamran for alerting me to the trailer.)


  1. I loved Divine Intervention -- good, sharp criticism and very funny (mordant). When can we see The Time that Remains in NYC? Will it be shown? Is it available on Netflix, the filmgoers main recourse when it comes to critical films. Censorship, anyone?

  2. Donna, I only just saw this comment, and don't know the answer to the question.
