Sunday, August 14, 2005

another Banksy grafitto

Above is another graffito from guerilla artist Banksy. As a Northwest Arkansas resident, I really appreciate the smiley-face Walmart reference. I’m so pleased that my Representative, John Boozman (R), was able to get $35 million earmarked for Walmart as part of the new federal highway bill, just signed by President Bush. The money will pay for widening and extending the road in Bentonville (just north of here) that leads to Walmart Headquarters. Way to go, John! I’m also very proud of the fact that, according to Forbes magazine’s latest accounting, five of the ten richest Americans are Waltons, and that three (or four?) of them live right here in NW Arkansas, in Bentonville. (It used to be four, but John Walton died in a plane crash in June. I guess John's heirs continue to live here.) The total worth of these Waltons was estimated, back in November, at $72 billion.

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